Through this approach

The Humanoid Concept brand aims to raise awareness about the importance of treating animals with kindness and respect. By creating characters that people can relate to and connect with, the brand hopes to encourage people to think more deeply about the impact of their actions on animals, and to make more conscious choices that support animal welfare.

Humanoid Concept is a unique and innovative brand that was founded by the multi-awarded artist Chrisothemis Perdikea, known as SOTHEMIS.

The brand is built on a mindfulness art technique called "Reinventing the Ordinary" or “RTO”  that Chrisothemis developed.

This mindfulness art technique involves transforming animals into humans, in order to help people see animals in a different light and to encourage them to treat animals with kindness and compassion.
The Humanoid Concept brand creates dynamic anthropomorphic characters that work as influencers to make people more sensitive about animals. These characters are designed to be engaging and relatable, and to help people see animals as beings with personalities, emotions, and individuality.

Introducing the Humanoid Concept Brand: Our vision extends beyond just aesthetics

We aim to create a world where humans and animals coexist harmoniously, embracing each other’s strengths and living as equals. Inspired by nature and the animal kingdom, our designs reflect a deep appreciation for the beauty and diversity found in the natural world.

We’re also a web 3 creative studio, specializing in crafting innovative metaverse products. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies like AR, AI, 3D, and NFTs, we’re at the forefront of creating immersive and forward-thinking digital experiences. Our commitment is to seamlessly integrate technology into our creative process, offering a unique and engaging journey for our audience.

The Humanoid Concept brand is not only unique in its approach to animal welfare, but also in its innovative use of art and design to promote mindfulness and awareness. Through its creative and engaging characters, the brand is able to communicate important messages in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

Overall, the Humanoid Concept brand is an inspiring example of how creativity, mindfulness, and social responsibility can come together to create a powerful and impactful message. Through its innovative approach to animal welfare, the brand is helping to create a more compassionate and caring world for all beings.

The aim

The aim of this concept brand is to create a connection between humans and animals by highlighting the similarities between the two. By depicting animals in a human-like form, Perdikea hopes to encourage people to see animals as sentient beings with personalities and emotions, rather than simply as objects to be used or exploited.

Through her work, Perdikea seeks to promote a more compassionate approach to animal welfare, with the hope that people will be inspired to treat animals with kindness and respect. The Humanoid Concept Brand is a powerful tool for raising awareness about animal rights and promoting positive change in society.


Is based on the belief that animals have the right to live free from harm and exploitation, and that it is our responsibility as humans to ensure that they are treated with dignity and respect. By transforming animals into humanoids, she is able to create a bridge between the two worlds, encouraging people to see animals in a new and more positive light.

The Humanoid Concept Brand has the potential to transform the way we view animals, and to inspire a more compassionate and ethical approach to animal welfare. Chrisothemis's work is a testament to the power of art and creativity in promoting positive change in society, and her vision serves as a reminder that we all have a role to play in creating a more just and humane world for all beings.

From the Heart: My Personal Thoughts on Our Brand and Our Mission

We welcome you

We welcome you to the amazing world of humanoid concept about animals! Here, we explore the endless possibilities of combining human and animal characteristics to create unique and fascinating creatures. Our goal is to inspire creativity and encourage people to think outside the box when it comes to animal design. From mythical creatures like centaurs and mermaids to more modern interpretations like anthropomorphic animals, there’s no limit to what we can create. 

We also aim to raise awareness about animal welfare and conservation through our designs. By highlighting the beauty and diversity of the animal kingdom, we hope to inspire a deeper appreciation for these amazing creatures and encourage people to take action to protect them.

Join us on this journey of creativity and discovery as we explore the fascinating world of humanoid concept about animals.
The world of humanoid concept about animals is a fascinating one. It involves the reimagining of animals in humanoid form, giving them unique personalities and characteristics that reflect their natural counterparts. Through this concept, we can explore the relationship between humans and animals in a new and innovative way.

Imagine a world...

Imagine a world where a lion has the physical attributes of a human, with the strength and agility of a predator, and the intelligence and creativity of a human. Or a world where a dolphin has the ability to communicate through speech and interact with humans on a deeper level. These are just a few examples of how the humanoid concept can transform our understanding of animals.

Through this concept...

Through this concept, we can also explore ethical and moral questions regarding our treatment of animals. By giving animals a more human-like form, we can better understand and empathize with their experiences, potentially leading to a greater appreciation and respect for them. Additionally, the humanoid concept allows for endless creative possibilities, as we can imagine unique and fantastical creatures that blend the characteristics of various animals and even mythical creatures. It is a world of imagination and wonder, where we can explore the depths of our creativity and imagination.

In short, the amazing world of humanoid concept about animals is a place of endless possibilities and inspiration, where we can reinvent the ordinary and explore new ways of understanding and interacting with the animal kingdom.

The world of humanoid concept about animals is a fascinating one. It involves the reimagining of animals in humanoid form, giving them unique personalities and characteristics that reflect their natural counterparts.

We Believe...

We believe that by learning from animals, we can gain valuable insights into our own lives and the world around us.

So w invite you all to take a moment to look at the world around you with fresh eyes, and see what possibilities for reinventing the ordinary you can discover. Whether it be through a personal project, a collaboration with others, or simply sharing your ideas and inspirations with those around you, let’s come together to explore the transformative power of creativity.

Let's make the ordinary extraordinary.

Join us on this journey of creativity and discovery as we explore the fascinating world of humanoid concept about animals.

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